a minstrel' monologue


 ウッディにひどいことを言われた。わたしから去って行きたいと言わんばかりだった。 去って行くならもっと早く去って欲しい。今さら去って行かれると困る。非常に困る。 わたしの人生設計がめちゃくちゃになる。

 ありとあらゆる言い訳を言ってのけた。彼を引き止めるために。 自分が汚いことをしているって知っている。ぜんぶ知っている。 でも、わたしは自分を守りたかった、家族を守りたかった。


 彼はあきれたような憐れんでいるような目でわたしを見て、 そして口論疲れして不毛の口論にピリオドを打ちたいというふうにジャンパーを手に取った。 けれども引き止めることができた。わたしが泣いたから。

   わたしが泣きながら母のいる家に電話をかけ「わたしは間違っていないよね。間違っていないよね」と 狂言みたいに一方的に話し続けた。 それを見た彼は、わたしに対して人間としての憐れみを覚えたのだろう。 最低な女だけれど自分が見捨てたら一体どうなるんだろう、という父性愛を。

 経過はいろいろあったが引き止めることができた。 うれしかった・・。本当にうれしかった。

 今やわたしは文学好きの若い女性ではなく、最低レベルの娼婦に成り下がっているのだろう。 べつにいい、それでも。自分と家族を守ることができたら。

Have wanted to defend myself and my family
2002/3/26 Tuesday

Was likely to go mad.
Might be mad.

Was said cruel things by my classmate Woody.
As if to say wanting to leave me.
Leaving earlier if it leaves me I want.
It is now too late to leave. Very very much.
My life plan will become incoherent.

I had managed to say all the excuses. To detain him.
I know I am doing the dirty. I know all.
But, I have wanted to defend myself and my family.

He said, "That you got the marriage that had age difference was for money."
I said, "Yes. It is not so. Not only that, but one isn't able to do such things if there isn't love."
"If so, also love. It was the marriage for love.
Even to be going with a member of the club is love, isn't it?"
"So, and all. And for family.
The person who is not the same situation as me cannot understand anything.
What do you think of looking after a that-kind family?"

He looked at me with the such eye, like being disgusted with me or feeling pity for me.
He took his jacket in his hand, by a very tiring quarrel and so as to want to put a period to a barren quarrel.
But I could detain him. Because I cried.

I called up a telephone in the house where there is a mother while crying, "Ain't wrong, am I?", "Ain't wrong, am I?"
I continued to speak one-sidedly as a farce.
He who saw it might feel pity as a human to me.
Though she is a lowest woman if I gave up her where would she be?
The paternal love that it.

Though progress was various I could detain him.
So happy. Really happy.

Now I am not a literary-type young woman and may be reduced to a harlot of the lowest.
It needs not worry too much. If it can defend myself and my family.

シャガール ホーム     目次 Index of Monologue